Saturday, August 19, 2023

⚠️ SPAM behaviour ⚠️ Using Bots ⚠️ LINK spam ⚠️ Spammy titles ⚠️ I detect 🕵🏼‍♂️ suspicious account behaviour and I use the BAN 🔨 🛑DON'T DO IT🛑

Since we are facing certain waves of SHITTY ❌ CLICK-BAIT ❌ Up-vote baiting ❌ SPAM TITLES we will start removing them.Posters who use titles like this would be temporary or permanent banned (depending on the posting history)We all know them:I don't do well here ... / My post don't do well here...To the {5 / 10 / 342 / few} who will see thisI wonder how many guys would: .... DUCK ME / see this / Like me / kiss me / eat me ....Online are {5 / 10 / 342 / few} users I hope someone will see this....Sorting by new ...I hope you will see me ... / No one will see this ...I will delete this later ( we will help you with this - Don't worry )Stop scrolling ...I'm doing a surveyExperimentIf my post do well I will send you a cookie or a FerrariDon't let this post flop.I wish I could fuck everyone who likes my post/pictureARROW UPDeleted because someone said I'm .... stupid / fat / ugly / borring / dumb.Re-uploading because I ... fuck myself / love myself .Say "hi" / "hello" if you would ... lick / duck / kiss meReact if .... you would Duck / suck / lick meSend .... if you want todescribe .... with a word / emojiSay one wordAND ANY OTHER TITLE PATTERNS THAT IT'S USED MULTIPLE TIMES BY DIFFERENT USERS. Even it's not mentioned hereIf a user comes with a "smart title" and reaches the top spot it doesn't mean the next 317 posters would do the same if they would use the same title.DON'T COPY PASTE TITLES OF OTHER POSTS = WE WILL BAN YOUIt ruins the experience of the subscribers in the subreddit.Be smart and CREATIVE.Thank you** Hot Amateur Teen Action Pic Entitled ⚠️ SPAM behaviour ⚠️ Using Bots ⚠️ LINK spam ⚠️ Spammy titles ⚠️ I detect 🕵🏼‍♂️ suspicious account behaviour and I use the BAN 🔨 🛑DON'T DO IT🛑

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